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My new best friend

I took a different approach with this guy. They usually answer anything I write still wanting to move forward. I

thought I would balance creepy while dangling a carrot in front of him and see which one wins out.

The Approach:


Greetings From Dubai,

This message might meet you in (utmost surprise),however,it's just my urgent need for foreign partner that made me to contact you for this transaction.I am a banker by profession from United Arab Emirates and currently holding the post of Director Auditing and Accounting unit of the bank. I have the opportunity of transfering the left over funds ($17.5million)our bank deceased customer late Richard Burson, who died on (Egypt Air Flight 990)along with his family on a plane crash below.

Hence i am inviting you for a business deal where this money can be shared between us in the ratio of 50/50 as a brotherhood. If you agree to my business proposal. further details of the transfer will be forwarded to you as soon as i receive your return mail.

Respectfully yours

Mr.khaldoon khalifa UNITED ARAB EMIRATE (UAE).

My Response:

Dear Mr. Khalifa,

I'm ready to make this happen. You tell me what I have to do and by god, I'll do it. I don't care about the money so much as I'm already quite wealthy, but you reached out to me in the name of partnership and friendship... nay BROTHERHOOD; much more than simple friendship. You sir are what's been missing from my life! Sure we can do business together, but more importantly, we can hang out on my boat or at my ranch in Texas, drink margaritas and shoot at the neighbors weather-vane. You do know how to shoot don't you? I'd like to get to know you better if we are going to be brothers and partners. If you don't mind, could you answer a few simple questions?

1. How small of a space can you fit into? 2. Are you allergic to duct tape? 3. Are you allergic to horse tranquilizers? 4. Would anyone miss you if you were gone for a long period of time? 5. Do you like clowns? 6. How loud can you scream?

hahah, I'm a big kidder... but still please answer the questions.

I do recommend that any money you transfer to me should go through my offshore accounts to avoid heavy taxes or even seizure by some bureaucrat somewhere. We could also use one of my many companies to move the money into multiple countries.

One final thing, I need to be sure you are a real person and not some sort of scam. We can discuss how to do that once I hear back from you.

Your Besty,



No one will ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever reach out to you over the internet to share millions. This is true 100% of the time. You have a better chance of winning the Power Ball playing one number short, than of receiving money from this type of approach. Spending money on the power ball would be cheaper too. Once you send money, they will ask for more and more as you get closer and closer to the big payoff. Don't do it. Don't even reply. Just hit delete.


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