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The King Returns

Any response to this should be funny

The Approach:

Dear Friend,

I know that this mail will come to you as a surprise as we have never met before, but need not to worry as I am using the only secured and confidential medium available to seek for your foreign assistance in a business transaction. I am contacting you independently and no one is informed of this communication.

However, my name is Dr. Raha Ousman .I am a banker by profession. I hail from Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso,West Africa.

My reason for contacting you is to transfer an abandoned $10, 300, 000.00 (Ten Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars) to your account. The money has been here in our Bank lying dormant for nine good years now without anybody coming for the claim of it.The owner of this fund died since 2001 with his Next Of Kin. I want to present you to the bank as the Next of Kin/beneficiary of this fund.

Further details of the transaction shall be forwarded to you as soon as I receive your return mail indicating your interest.

Best regards,

Dr. Raha Ousman

My Response:

Dear Dr. Raha Ousman,

Yes you were correct, your email did come as a great surprise to me. Not because we have never met before, but because you are from Burkina Faso, although it was known as Upper Volta when I lived there. I also hail from Ouagadougou! I live abroad these days because my uncle, the late Thomas Sankara was assassinated by Blaise Compaoré and his henchmen to seize the country. My aunt and cousin fled the country of course and as the favorite nephew of President Sankara, I was smuggled out of the country to live in peace and safety. This all happened years ago and now I'm no longer a boy but a grown man educated and ready to return to my country.

I am excited to learn you have access to so much money as it will take at least that for me to return and run for president against the traitor Compaoré. Please arrange for the funds to be held in Burkina Faso for me until I arrive. Also could you forward a monthly remittance to me along with a small token from my country to establish your loyalty and prove you are who you claim to be? Once I am elected president I will immediately claim my family's assets and you of course will be highly rewarded for your assistance.

While I didn't agree with Compaoré changing the name of the country, I suppose it's fitting that Burkina Faso means "the land of honest people"... for you are an honest and loyal man Dr. Raha Ousman. I look forward to a long and profitable relationship.



King of Burkina Faso


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