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Another Wedding Proposal

The Approach:

This email came to me without the usual hyperlink to a porn site, or request for assistance and money. I'm curious to see the followup I receive from them.


It's quite Excited that we met to communicate through Internet today, very pleased with your contact information , my dear before i would summon more further would like to acknowledge you that love is in this form, Just believe that, Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." that's my mail contact .while my beautifully pictures will be distributed in you mailbox directly.I really care for your friendship and more!

Waiting to read yours

Best regard

Yours Humble New Friend.



Dear Jennifer

Thank you for your kind letter. I am also quite excited that we met to communicate through Internet today. Without you even telling me I could see that love was in the form, but I do appreciate you sharing that with me before summoning more further. I can tell from what you wrote and more importantly, what you did not say, that you and I would be a magical couple. If ever there were two people meant for each other, it could be us. Your definition of love is like sweet poetry, yet original in content. I'd like to get to know you better and hope you don't find me to be too forward by asking you a few questions about yourself.

  1. If I built a house that looked like my teeth which room would be your favorite? (Hint, it's next to my left canine)

  2. Crickets - BBQ or Chocolate?

  3. How much money do you have?

  4. Have you ever been abducted and probed?

  5. If I only have $37.13 in the bank will you still love me?

  6. Can my mother live with us when we get married? It would be cheaper than paying for her gas to come over three times a day to oversee meals and my bathtime

  7. If I said to you "Rah Rah ah ah ah, would you reply "Roma Roma ma, Gaga ooh la la"?

  8. When the zombie apocalypse happens, do you want to run or make a final stand?

  9. I have 39 meerkats (most of them alive). Do you love their funny ways like I do? How many will you be bringing?

  10. If the neighbors win and the court forces me to move away, would you prefer to live in my car or a pup tent?

I look forward to hearing from you.. oh yes, why is your email larryjennifer? Is larry your last name? You are a woman right?

Your future hubby

Jimbo the Clown


I hope I don't need to really provide an analysis for this one, but just in case. Love will NOT find you through anonymous email. For a few of you internet surfers out there, you should also know there are NO local women dying to have sex with you if you join a "free" web site. This is an obvious attempt to get you to engage in a scam to pay for some woman to come to the U.S. (she's not coming), or click on a link to her photos and infect your system.


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