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One Hundred Billion Dollar Loan!

The Approach:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Dynamic christain loan firm is offering loan at a maximum low rate of 3% interest, both secure and unsecured, every interested applicant should contact us today with Email: for more information and if interested contact us for immediate attention for further procedures. phone number.....+447011150704. We also Offer Loans ranging from $10,000.00 Min. to $100,000,000,000.00 Max. at 3% interest rate per annul. Our Priority is your total Satisfaction! Our goal is that you enjoy the service we provide from start to conclusion.


Rev Peterson, troy

Dynamic Finance Loan Services. My Answer:

Dear Rev Peterson,

Yes I would like to take advantage of your wonderful loan offer. I'd like to request a loan for the maximum of $100,000,000,000.00. With one hundred billion dollars, I'm pretty sure I can finish paying off the house, buy a small vacation trailer in someplace exotic like Tulsa, Oklahoma, and buy my wife that electric cookstove she's had her eye on all these years.

Yes sir, we sure could use a hundred billion dollars here. Of course I have every intention of paying it back... every cent with 3% interest.... Just to show how sincere I am, I'm offering up everything I own as security on the loan even though you say you make these loans unsecured as well.

My wife and I are very excited about doing business with you and have a couple of quick questions for you before we proceed.

  1. What countries would you consider ideal to hide large sums of money?

  2. If you were going to disappear, where would you get new ID and passports?

  3. How much does a hundred billion weigh and how many suitcases/trashbags would it take to move it all?

  4. When people talk about laundering money, do they mean drycleaning or regular wash and dry?

  5. Can I get a credit card with my loan? I'd like one of those black carbon fiber cards that have helicopter and rocketship access.

  6. If I wanted to kill off a loan officer and everyone at a bank who knew about certain financial dealings, where would you recommend I look for a super cool team of ninja assassins?

  7. Can I get my loan in 10s and 20s?

  8. When can I expect my money?

Looking forward to your reply

Jimbo and Kathybo Motes


When you receive an email offering you something for nothing, or almost nothing. Just hit delete. Don't open attachments, click on links, or respond. If you need to validate the fraudulent nature, take a few minutes to review the email for common errors in spam. Look at the language. Why would they offer a "maximum low rate"? Proper language would not use the word "maximum". No one is going to email you an opportunity to obtain millions in loans. Especially anyone in the UK (The +44 country code). Why would a foreign company contact you? Notice the use of the word Christian and the sender is the Reverend Peterson? They attempted to add credibility to the email by aligning themselves with a religious organization... which doesn't exist. What could they hope to gain? Your information. Your social security number. Your identity and credit.


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