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Luckiest Man Alive

The Approach:


My name is Bahador Bin Omar, lawyer with B. Omar & Associates. I wish to present to you a proposal which could be of great significance if you would find it interesting to go into partnership with me.

I have contacted you to assist in distributing the estate left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this deposit valued at US$8, 700,000.00 is lodged and I strongly believe you could execute this deal with me. It could be invested in your area or line of business or any lucrative business venture that may be of interest to you. However, if you are interested, please kindly respond to my message for further details

I look forward to seeing a positive response from you.

Yours sincerely

Mr.Bahador Bin Omar

My Response:

Dear Mr. Bahador Bin Omar,

Thank you for this opportunity, however I must decline at this time. I understand all too well the difficulties in moving millions of dollars from one country to the next and wish you the very best of luck in finding a business partner who can provide you with the undivided attention a man of your high social position deserves.

Please allow me to explain my reluctance to assist you as I have no wish to offend your sensibilities in any way. Quite simply; This... has... been... the .... best... year... of... my... life!

You see, you are not the first to contact me for assistance in transferring funds into the United States. Just two months ago Mamuda Diallo who works at the Prime bank in Burkina Faso asked me to assist him in repatriating 14.3 million into the U.S. I don't even know where Burkina Faso is, but I jumped right in with both feet and it's been a whirlwind of excitement since that time.

Before Mamuda and I could finish our project, Mr Khaldoon Khalifa from the United Arab Emirate and I begin working on the transfer of 17.5 million to my account in Texas. No sooner than we began this transfer when Bonnie Robbins contacted me about applying for my rightful share of the Compensation Award Committee in Spain. I'm working with her and Pablo Bellucci to claim my 2 million and I'm not even Spanish! I'm also working with SIR Herbert Edward on a 1.5 million dollar Western Union transfer.

As you can see not only have I been quite busy, I've been blessed with great fortune. In just a few more weeks, I will begin to receive my checks and the money I've paid for bank fees, bribes, and international transfer taxes are nothing compared to the money I will have coming. I suspect that because of the great work I'm doing word of mouth has gotten around and that's how you found me. I only wish I had time to help you as well. If you can wait a few weeks, I may be able to find the time to take on another project.

Oh yes; also please wish me luck, as I'll soon be meeting and marrying a beautiful woman living in a refugee camp in Kenya. She also reached out to me through the Internet and after hearing her plight (evil stepmother and uncle stealing her inheritance) and seeing just how fetching she was in her photos, I of course agreed to marry her. I'm sure that she also feels a deep and abiding love for me as she's told me so in many of our electronic missives.





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