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Buy Swag Save Merika!

Just so everyone doesn't think I'm blind to the hypocrisy in both camps. This pisses me off even more than the Democrats begging for money to do their job. American's gave this guy their votes and trust and now he's selling swag like a cheap sidewalk vendor.

The Approach:


Our team has come up with two designs for our 2017 Inaugural Membership Card -- and we want you to have the final say.The card with the most votes will be used for our official membership rollout beginning on President-Elect Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day. But hurry -- you only have until Friday to vote before our 2017 cards are sent to the printer.

VOTE for our Official 2017 Inaugural Membership Card below.

VOTE for Option 1 >>

VOTE for Option 2 >>

Thank you,Brad Parscale

Digital DirectorDonald Trump for President

Thank you for voting

Now take the next step and activate your 2017 Inaugural Membership, and be the first to receive the winning membership card.

Your membership will help provide our united movement with a steady flow of funds in order to fend off the media’s attacks, deliver our message to the voters, and help advance President Trump’s first 100 Days agenda.

You’ll be joining at a critical time in American history -- a time when the people rose up to take back our country.

Your card will mark your status as an official member in good standing for the 2017 year, as we begin our mission to Make America Great Again!

Activate your 2017 Inaugural Membership for $35.

Choose donation amount:








My Response:

Dear Brad,

I'm sorry, I must have missed something. Didn't Donald Trump win the Election? If so, why do you need money? I read your blurb saying it was to "fend off the media’s attacks, deliver our message to the voters, and help advance President Trump’s first 100 Days agenda." and I have some real issues with just about everything you wrote.

1. How do you expect to use money to "fend off the media's attacks"? You do realize the no matter how biased and uninformed the media may be, they still are entitled to the constitutional protections they enjoy to print what they want so long as they stay within applicable legal constraints don't you? Are you planning on hiring people to beat them up? Hire other media people to refute whatever you don't like? Isn't that what Fox News is for? Basically, Im confused about this one.... Bribes?

2. The money is to "deliver your message to the voters". You do know he's going to be president right? He gets to say things to the voters pretty much all the time. In fact, I suspect the voters will get tired of him talking to them long before he runs out of things to say. Also, doesn't he already do that with his twitter account? So what's the money for again?

3. You need the money to help "advance President Trump's first 100 Days Agenda". Again He's going to be president. He has a majority House and Senate. He shouldn't need anything from anyone to advance his agenda. So what will the money buy us that you don't already have?

This looks suspiciously like the email I received from the Democrats asking for money to do their job. It seems you want money for President Trump to do his job and of course to prevent the reporters from doing their jobs. I can't for the life of me imagine how any of this could be legal or good for the country. I'm embarrassed for you, for President Elect Trump, and our country. You should all know better than this and be ashamed of yourselves.

Don't try to defend this as anything other than a money making scheme. I also received the emails hawking hats, tumblers and various other Trump/Pence Swag. I know if you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig, so I'll just ask that all of you try to show a little class in the coming days.

Disappointed in Donald,


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