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Washington Street Beggars

I receive a great deal of spam. Usually I enjoy replying to them to mess with their minds. This time however, I simply felt... empty, then angry. Then after answering the email, empty again... I'll probably be angry again tomorrow. It seems no one has learned anything from this last election.


Here's the truth: if we want to transform the Democratic Party to make it once again responsive to the needs of working people, we need Rep. Keith Ellison to serve as the next Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

This month's election results proved that the American people are fed up with the establishment. They want change and they want it now. Keith Ellison is ready to revamp the Democratic National Committee by getting big money out of politics, taking on Wall Street and the billionaire class, and realizing the full potential of the grassroots.

Keith is one of the most progressive members of Congress, and currently serves as co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Our Revolution is proud to support Keith as the next Chair of the Democratic National Committee, and we hope you will join us:

Show your support by splitting a contribution between Keith Ellison and Our Revolution right now to help us usher in a new era of people-powered politics to the Democratic Party.







The Democratic Party has a decision to make: Will it commit to being the party that advances the needs of working people, or will it continue feeding into the pressures from special interest groups and the billionaire class?

Keith understands that by rejecting the policies of the political establishment and wealthy campaign contributors, we can start to get to work on issues like creating a $15 minimum wage, opposing fracking and the construction of oil pipelines, and passing debt-free college.

We need the Democratic Party to be led by a progressive who will ensure we have an organization and a message that stands up for working families, not Wall Street and big corporations. Keith Ellison has shown he is up for the task.

Please split a contribution between Keith Ellison and Our Revolution right now to help revitalize the Democratic Party and demand that it prioritize the needs of the people, not the billionaires.

Keith was one of the only members of Congress who acknowledged very early on in the primary the potential for Trump to win the Republican nomination. With his insight and strong moral compass, he will play a crucial role in leading the fight against Trump, and knows what is at stake for so many who call this country home.

The Democratic National Committee will be key to ensuring Democrats come out strong during the midterms in 2018, and go on to win back the White House in 2020. We believe Keith is the right choice for revitalizing the party and determining which direction it will take in the years ahead.

Thank you for joining us in supporting Keith Ellison as the next Chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Shannon Jackson Executive Director Our Revolution

My Response:

Dear Shannon,

I'm not sure you understand the real issue here. Yes we do need to revitalize the Democratic Party. We also need to revitalize the Republicans. There is a cancer in Washington that we refer to as "Career Politicians". You know the type. They are the ones that will reach out to the American People begging for hand outs to "Revitalize the Democratic Party and demand that it prioritize the needs of the people". I have to wonder why it takes our money to get your party to do the right thing? Why does it take donations for you to demand that our needs are a priority? What does this money actually pay for? Are you saying that without this money your party will not be able to put our citizens first? If not, then who are they putting first? What are they going to do if we don't send you your payoff? This feels like a veiled threat... "pay up or we do nothing"... Why isn't the salary you receive enough to do your jobs? Do you not see how obvious this is to those of us who can read and don't require your news media puppets to tell us how to think?

I suspect it doesn't matter which Democrat is in power. I also have to wonder why this type of panhandling on behalf of your party isn't illegal. This isn't election money, this is payment to do our job money. I'm pretty sure they call that a bribe in most countries.

This is exactly why you lost the election. Nothing changed over there I see. Same song, different Singer. I'd burn the money before I sent you a dime.

Your friend,


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