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Dear Hippy

I suspect the purpose of this email is to verify that my account is alive and perhaps to see if I'm one of those people that will respond to email. Either way, responding to these people pretty much insures more to follow. Still it's an interesting email compared to many that are the same thing over and over and over ....

The Approach

Hello dear, Although you don't know me, I know you very well jim.motes. My message to you is one of Love and Peace. I'm a human who loves all humans. I hope you would feel the same about me. Would you reply and greet me back regardless to my skin color, nationality and religion? My humanitarian greetings to YOU!

My Response

Dear Hippy

Wow Man! You missed WoodStock. Have you been in a coma for 50 years? I suppose you could be one of the original groovy kids and decided to start the whole thing all over again, but unless you plan on launching a Love and Peace video game that includes a first person shooter theme, you're probably out of luck. A lot's happened since you and your ilk were living it up in your VW Vans, singing protest songs and talking about how the man was keeping you down. Now a lot of your friends are the man. They still keep people down, but have found new and interesting ways to do so. They've learned that it's easier to keep the population docile if you give them unlimited access to sports channels. Experimentation in Social Pacification and Neutrality (ESPN) has been such a success, the government has expanded the program (ESPN2, ESPN3, etc...). Also you might not know this, but you can now legally smoke weed and can even get a prescription from a doctor, allowing you to buy it from fully stocked retail facility rather than your cousin Footsey.

I'm sure you'll be glad to learn that the war in Vietnam ended, China is our Frienemy, Russia came from behind the Iron Curtain, saw it's shadow and appears to be heading right back behind it again. North Korea has a new leader His name.. well his name doesn't matter. He looks like a spoiled fat kid (making him the only fat kid in an entire country of starving people) with the WORST haircut ever, uses nuclear weapon threats to get his way and likes to blow up or assassinate family members who forget their place in the order of things.

One thing that's not changed, the US is still polarized on just about every issue and just when things quieten down the press will throw something else at us that's certain to get blood boiling. We can't get away from a two party political system since the politicians discovered two party systems guarantees most of them life long employment. The rich are richer, the poor are many and the Internet allows just about anyone with access to a computer to spew the most irresponsible drivel imginable (like your email for instance). I'm sure you remember letters and the telephone from your days. We've moved on and letters became emails, then emails became Facebook post, which were replaced by memes and . Telephones removed the rotary dial, went to touch tone, then car phones, then mobile phones, long distance is no longer a thing, then phone migrated to Facebook/Instagram and finally seems to have settled on texting. Paper cards only get sent at Christmas and birthday calls are limited to a very small circle of people. We've made it.

One last thing. the News has changed. Since Walter Cronkite died we can't trust any of those crazy bastards. The only way to really know what's going on is to watch FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc... and average it all out. It's better with the sound off and subtitles on.

Jim the Rev Motes

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