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Dee Snider, Honey Boo Boo & Aliens

This is a typical approach, but they claimed to be the president of the Federal Republic of Benin and not some obscure diplomat. You'll notice the Sender's address showing in the email is odd in that it doesn't come from Benin, or a governemnt domain, and the email is "www". Once you reply however, it goes to an email address.

The approach is of course for millions of dollars and they offer a bank wire transfer or a western union payment. It's nice that they gave me options. Not a very good job on the bad guys part. They didn't even try to make it look official.


The Approach:

From: Patrice Talon, President <> wrote:

Attention Dear Friend

I am his His Excellency Patrice Talon, the newly Elected President Of Federal Republic Of Benin

I want to let you know that i have gone through your file and has confirmed that you have an inherited and contract payment worth of $4.5 Million that was supposed to have transferred into your bank through Bank Wire Transfer directly into your account and later changed to be paid through Western Union since 2012 during the last President regime which failed somehow. after all your efforts and the money you spent on it I want to help you now and i will make sure that you receive your payment in this month because my leadership want to show mercy and favor to innocent people like you as a President of this country. Do you still wish to receive your transfer via Bank Wire Transfer directly into your bank or through the Western Union? I want you to kindly get back to me as possible as you can. i also wish to confirm from you if you prefer any other method on how you wish to receive your payment ? kindly let me know immediately. Take Good Care and have a nice day. Yours Faithfully His Excellency Patrice Talon, President Of Federal Republic Of Benin


My Response:


Dear His Excellency,

Well slap my butt and call me Elmer! I've never gotten an email from a President. Funny, now that I think about it, it's really not much different than getting an email from my Uncle. He lives in Oklahoma, but hey, he's still family. Do you have a family? I have a gaggle of brothers but no sisters. Remember Twisted Sister? Damn that was some great music right? "I Wanna Rock!" I collect rocks. I have a very nice geode and a hunk of petrified wood. That's not a rock I guess, it's more of a fossel... not the watch kind, but the rock kind. Oh hey, do you ever wonder if Honey Boo Boo could really be Dee Snider's Love Child? When I hear someone say Honey Boo Boo, I think of Honey Buns... They are tasty if you ignore the chemical aftertaste. Mother says I'm to avoid processed food, processed sugar, processed meats and processed dairy. To be safe, I only eat organic food and drinks. My favorite drink is organic diet Mountain Dew (My cousin Doodle sneaks it in for me) and my favorite health food is organic Oreos (Cousin Doodle again). Do you have a cousin Doodle? We tease him about his name. In the morning when I go to his bachelor pad to wake him up I yell "Cock a Doodle Doodle Dooodle" It makes me laugh so hard I pee a little. By bachelor pad I mean 1976 Camper on cinder blocks in our back yard. Still it's pretty cool, he has a 6 foot satellite dish that gets one channel, but he also says it monitors the air for aliens. He's like a genius or something. Do you know any aliens? Not the aliens our President is always talking about, but aliens that come from space or planets and stuff. I bet Presidents get to meet aliens when they land. Why isn't Pluto a planet now? Mother says it's not big enough, but Doodle says it's because they didn't pay their fair share for membership in the planetary union. Pluto is my favorite cartoon character except for Popeye. Popeye is so strong. Who do you think would win a fight between PopEye and Superman?

Well, I have to go. Time for my morning Ritalin.

Wait, what did you want? Never mind, have to run. Mother's calling.

Your Friend


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