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Jimmy Donuts Uncovers a Murder

I received a response to my previous post and I've included it and my new response below. You'll notice that they think they have a fish on the line and are now directing me to another person. She cautions against telling anyone about this transaction. They don't want any well meaning friend or relative was to interfere. Then there's the mention of money "need your financial assistance". This is meant to prepare you for the ask by the "bank representative". The best part about this email are the "official documents" attached to the email (See bottom of post).


The Approach:

Dear Mr. Jimmy Donuts

May God remember you like Noah, favour you like Moses, honor you like Mary, fight for you like the Israelite, prosper you like Isaac, promote you like Joseph, intervene for you like Esther, protect you like Daniel, use you like Paul, heal you like Naaman, answer you like Elijah, anoint you like David, and keep you safe like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. This is my prayer for you, I am so glad to observe your mutual interest in this transaction and I want you to take note that I want this fund to be donated to churches, orphanages and widows propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. I am ready to give you 30% for consultancy fee and this fund is presently deposited with Barclay's Bank PLC,UK. My doctor had just warned me again to stay away from any kind of communication because of my present condition, So I am connecting you with the bank who will assist you for the legalization and claiming of the fund. You can contact: Barclays Bank PLC, UK London 1 Churchill Place, London, E14 5HP Contact person: Jimmy Johnson (International Remittance Officer) Tel: (44) 702 404 1096 Email: Please, I want you to get in touch with the bank immediately you receive my mail and follow all instructions and directives given by Mr. Johnson. there is a special secret code that is covering this fund and the code is MPSAMP, you must include this code as subject when contacting the bank for proper identification. MY CONDITIONS!!! I want you to maintain the absolute secrecy & confidential that is required in this transaction for security reason. this transaction must be kept as secret forever and you must never involve any other person. I must also make my point clear to you at this stage that some charges/fee will be required in this process and I will be needing your financial support for now because there is nothing I can do about it because of my condition. I hope I can still be alive to witness the successful of the transfer. Attached below is my passport, national id, death certificate & Fund Deposit Slip for my identification. Yours in Christ, Mrs. Daniella Kyle


My Response:

Dear Jimmy Johnson,

I got an email from Daniella Kyle, who is dying from something or the other over in the Phillipines and she wanted me to contact you regarding a matter of 5.2 million in British Pounds. According to Daniella, I'm gonna act as her agent to spread the good word while deducting a small fee for my services.

I'm assuming you are in on the deal since you'll be sending the money to me so I'll get right to the point. It's obvious the old bird offed her husband. Did you get a peek at her old man's death certificate? Madonna mia! The old guy died of Poison! You know who uses poison? Women and sissies that's who. You won't find anyone from the neighborhood using poison. I believe if you're gonna whack a guy, you look him right in the eye while an associate is tightening the garotte around his neck. Now you poision someone and they don't know what's happening and therefore do not learn anything from the experience. There may be times you want to make it look natural and still teach them a lesson right? Simple, you take them to a foreign country... Say China for example and slip them fancy germs (available on the interweb) and then leave them there when they get too sick to travel. They'll catch on when they see you getting ready to check out of the hotel and laughing as they get rushed off to some leper colony to "recover".

What I'm saying here Jimmy is this broad don't deserve that we honor her last wishes and rather than me keeping 30%, hows about you and me split the money 50/50?

I await your reply and a fat check for 2.6 million pounds.

Jimmy Donuts

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