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News of my death was greatly exaggerated

If you are one of the two or three followers of this blog, you'll recognize some of the taletale signs of a phishing. This is actually poorly crafted and pretty easy to spot. The fun part is I received a reply to my response almost immediately. This could run for a few days. Stay Tuned.


The Approach:

From: PM JEROME H POWELL <> wrote:


After our last meeting held today, i was mandated to contact you by the Financial Intelligent Unit (FIUs ) to confirm if your know Mrs. Dewi Jesica who claimed to be your colleague. The said Mrs. Dewi Jesica confirmed to us today that you are dead and demands that we change the fund payment information which you gave to us as the rightful beneficiary to her's. Your fund payment which is at the tune of $7.5 Million US Dollars is ready but we need your reconfirmation. The bellow are the information's that she forwarded to us to replace your payment information's: Bank of America 6901 Northwest Expressway Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73132 ABA: 026009593 (International) ACCT. #:003042656833 ACCT: Name: FMS Investments Inc. Signatory: Dewi Jesica She is also willing to send the required $350 bank transfer charge. It is surprising that this very development came up now that our Ministry want to offset all the outstanding payments to all our legal foreign beneficiaries around the world in which your payment file was affected. This mail is to confirm your present health conditions and if you authorized anyone to change your fund payment informations. Your urgent respond is highly needed to confirm to us immediately you receive this email to enable us ascertain the truth and as well avoid wrong payment as regard Mrs. Dewi's assertion that you are dead. Contact Person Barrister EVAN COTTMAN Email Address : Jerome H. Powell Chair of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States


The Response:

Dear Evan,

Thank you for your message. NO I AM NOT DEAD! Also I never gave that gold digging trollop permission to change my fund payment informations. I'm just as surprised as you are that she would do such a thing. I think the best thing is for you to immediately send me the full $7.5 million Dollars so she can't try any other shenanagins. You know, just the other night I was telling my wife that if it wasn't for the Financial Intelligent Unit, this world would fall apart. You guys seldom are given your just rewards . If it was up to me, you'd get everything you deserve and more. Hey another thought, Lets wait until Jesica sends the $350 bank transfer fee and use that to cover the costs. Don't transfer the money, just ship it to my house in Cash or gold. When she calls you up asking about the money tell her I said "BURN!!!" hahahahah

When can I expect my money? Also can you send me your phone number so I can get in touch day and night until the cash arrives?


Living Jimmy, not Dead Jimmy

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